
(This declaration is based on the Rome Charter)

Rome.Italian Republic 03 Aug 2017

We, Amateur Sports enthusiasts, representatives of civil society institutions from various countries, gathered here in the Italian Republic city of Rome, on this third day of August 2017, hereby proclaim these declarations:

That in accordance with the provisions of the universal Declaration of Human Rights, everyone is entitled to all rights stated herein, and all are free to exercise their freedom as contained heretofore, without any discrimination, be it racial, colour, sexual, language, religion, political or other opinion, national and social origin, propriety, birth or other status.

Amateur sports, including all forms of physical activity, is an essential tool for peace and harmony among people, we hereby raise the motion that amateur sports should take its place in uniting people, not minding the differences in their philosophy about life; the movement of connecting sport with culture and education seeking to create a lifestyle based on the joy of physical activity, educational values and good example for future generations, social responsibility and respect for universal ethical principles, promoting the international community values that enhances healthy lifestyle.

Regardless of the differences in development and growth, engaging in amateur sport needs to be open, to encourage the creation of communities, the rapprochement of peoples, and equality, selfless competition, solidarity and fraternity, mutual understanding, recognition of the dignity of people, respect for oneself and others, as well as learning tolerance.

It is important to resist any political or commercial use of amateur athletes. With the aim of strengthening the unity of the amateur sports movement, without diminishing the fundamental principles of the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaflympic movements, we deemed it necessary to give a new impulse to the development of human values through sports.

Proclaimed here is a current declaration with the intent to put the development of physical education and sport as priorities towards achieving progress, to encourage governments, competent non-governmental organizations, peoples and individuals to guide, disseminate, and apply these declarations in all they do.