
I am amsport

I'm not a professional athlete, who is paid money for competition with other, inflated bodies and with thoughts of thousands and millions of prize money. I'm not an experimental physiologist and psychologist, I do not test the limits of a person's physical capabilities. I, like millions of fans, have their own charms in this business: the special, indescribable joy of the muscles, working brightly, actively, sometimes on the edge of my possibilities, the joy that these opportunities with each training expand, I overcome myself, I grow, I I'm getting stronger! And next to me, the same guys, inspired by the same joy of overcoming, not burdened by thoughts about the prize money.

It seems to me that this word Amsport came straight from the Cosmos. It came to describe the state of a person for whom sport is not money, not hard work for wear and tear in the name of glory, but a state of mind. The state of flight. I am Amsport! And I'm happy that there is not one such that there are many of us on the planet, we are millions. Men, women, young and not very, people with disabilities. There is no hand, no foot - but there are wings of ecstasy from overcoming oneself. And they also call themselves Amsport.

Amsport is immeasurably larger than meters and seconds. I believe in the world community of athletes and enthusiasts who come together to celebrate our sporting achievements and enjoy fellowship with brothers in spirit and hobbies. "Ampionships" is more than a championship, it is a partnership of passionate, enthusiastic devotees, uniting new territories and entire continents. Going together on transcontinental sites, we strengthen the spirit and body, the life ambitions of millions, and in the near future and billions of sports fans, discover new horizons, give joy and happiness.

We believe in Amsport!