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Torneo Internacional de Tenis de Veteranos ITF Seniors GRADE3


Международный ветеранский турнир по теннису ITF Seniors GRADE3
Tennis Seniors 2017 Championships - ITF Perth, Australia, Grass – Outdoor Categories: Men singles from +35 to +80 Men doubles from +35 to +65...
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Torneo Internacional de Tenis de Veteranos ITF Seniors GRADE1


ITF Super Seniors Doris Hart Cup (W80) ITF Super-Seniors Althea Gibson Cup (W70) ITF Super-Seniors Bitsy Grant Cup (M75) ITF Super-Seniors Brita...
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Torneo Internacional de Tenis de Veteranos ITF Seniors GRADE4


Charles Simon Senior ITF Championship 2017 Singapore, Singapore, Hard – Outdoor Categories: Men singles from +35 to +70 Men doubles from +35 ...
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Torneo Internacional de Tenis de Veteranos ITF Seniors GRADE5


Incourt Open Yerevan, Armenia, Clay – Outdoor Categories: Men singles from +35 to +65 Men doubles from +35 to +45 Women singles from +35 to...
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Torneo Internacional de Tenis de Veteranos ITF Seniors GRADE5


Protaras ITF Seniors 2017 Protaras, Paralimni, Cyprus, Hard – Outdoor Categories: Men singles from +35 to +70 Men doubles from +35 to +60 W...
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International Amateur Tennis Tournament LT FTR


Международный любительский  турнир по теннису ЛТ ФТР
LT FTR Autumn Cup Antalya, Turkey, Clay – Outdoor Categories: Men singles 2d category Men singles1d category Men singles Masters Men doub...
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International Veteran Tennis Tournament ITF Seniors GRADE4


International South of Russia Senior Indoors 2017 Rostov on Don, Russia, Hard – Indoor Categories: Men singles from +35 to +70 Men doubles fro...
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International Veteran Tennis Tournament ITF Seniors GRADE5


ITF Seniors Circuit Beijing 2017 Beijing, China, P.R., Clay – Outdoor Categories: Men singles from +40 to +60 Men doubles from +40 to +60 W...
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Torneo Internacional de Tenis de Veteranos ITF Seniors GRADE5


Международный ветеранский турнир по теннису ITF Seniors GRADE5
1st Tournament Cita Di Viareggio Senior ITF Viareggio, Italy, Clay – Outdoor Categories: Men singles from +45 to +75 Men doubles from +50 to ...
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Torneo Internacional de Tenis de Veteranos ITF Seniors GRADE3


Международный ветеранский турнир по теннису ITF Seniors GRADE3
Woking Open Seniors' Tournament Woking, Great Britain, Clay – Outdoor Categories: Men singles from +35 to +75 Men doubles from +35 to +75 ...
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International Veteran Tennis Tournament ITF Seniors GRADE2


ITF Antibes Biot Sophia Antipolis ITF Seniors Biot, France, Clay – Outdoor Categories: Men singles from +40 to +80 Men doubles from +40 to ...
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International Veteran Tennis Tournament ITF Seniors GRADE3


ITF Seniors Pancevo 2017 Pancevo, Serbia, Clay – Outdoor Categories: Men singles from +35 to +85 Men doubles from +35 to +85 Women singles...
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International Veteran Tennis Tournament ITF Seniors GRADE4


10th Georgian Open Batumi, Georgia, Hard – Outdoor Categories: Men singles from +35 to +70 Men doubles from +35 to +65 Women singles from ...
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Open Winter Club Championship of Russia among amateurs. Season 2018


Комиссия по любительскому теннису Федерации Тенниса России и Международный Совет Любительского Спорта (ICAS) утверждают Открытый Зимний Клубный Че...
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International Veteran Tennis Tournament ITF Seniors GRADE2


Международный ветеранский турнир по теннису ITF Seniors GRADE2
Woking Open Seniors' Tournament Woking, Great Britain, Clay – Outdoor Categories: Men singles from +35 to +75 Men doubles from +35 to +75 W...
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“Football Day” was held on September 9


«День футбола» состоялся 9 сентября
A significant event in the world of amateur football “FOOTBALL Day” was held on September 9 in the city of Dolgoprudny near Moscow. On the ...
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